Download Adobe Acrobat Reader For Mac Os X El Capitan

  1. Adobe Acrobat Pro DC 2019.010.20091 for Mac free is the official Adobe PDF editor. Acrobat DC 2019 patched version of the world’s best PDF solution to a new height, the highlight is that you can put paper pictures, text Quickly convert to PDF or document format, people take photos on their mobile phones, which can convert paper text into electronic version and modify the document directly.
  2. With OS X 10.11 El Capitan now available as a free download from the Mac App Store, you’re probably wondering how well your Adobe software and other Mac apps will run on it. Upgrading to El Capitan seems to go relatively smoothly for most software.
  3. Adobe Acrobat For Mac free. download full Version If you looking on the internet an Adobe Acrobat For Mac So, You come to the right place now a day shares with you an amazing application for creating, editing and converting files in PDF Formats, you can all files photo documents, text files convert into a PDF format in free because adobe maximum.
  4. I've been using Acrobat Pro X since it rolled out with OS X 10.6 and 10.7. The first thing to credit Adobe is they actually bring us the most powerful PDF editor software for Macs. Acrobat equipts with the un-competingable multi-languages OCR, digital signature, and so on.
You are viewing software available for - students.
CategoryDownload Product Information
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If you are looking for a great Adobe Acrobat DC for Mac OS X El Capitan (macOS 10.14 Mojave included), you can read this article to get to know the recommended software. Free Download Free Download Adobe Acrobat Alternative for Mac. Safari 9.0 for OS X 10.11, Safari 10.0 for OS X 10.12, Safari 11.0 for OS X 10.13 (browser plug-in for Safari is supported on 64-bit Intel processor only) Browser These requirements apply to the Acrobat Pro DC subscription plan, and are in addition to the desktop requirements listed above.

Math and Statistical

To renew your existing Matlab license, please see these instructions.


To renew your existing Matlab license, please see these instructions. /deutsche-werke-765-serial-numbers.html.

SPSS 25 Statistics-FY20

$95 per license. Annual license that expires September 30th. Can be purchased using an SC-Voucher. Email to request an invoice.

SPSS 27 Stats - FY21

$95 per license. Annual license that expires September 30th. Can be purchased using an SC-Voucher. Email to request an invoice.

JMP 15
Office Applications
Apple iWork
Skype for Business
Operating Systems
Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite

For Apple OS X Updates the built in “App Store” application is the best source to obtain Apple software unless otherwise directed by your IT .


- Don't forget to backup first!

- Apple's built-in software 'Time Machine' is a quick and easy backup solution to discuss with your IT Manager.

- Additional information can be found on Apple’s official website.

Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan

For Apple OS X Updates the built in “App Store” application is the best source to obtain Apple software unless otherwise directed by your IT .


- Don't forget to backup first!

- Apple's built-in software 'Time Machine' is a quick and easy backup solution to discuss with your IT Manager.

- Additional information can be found on Apple’s official website.

Printer Drivers
Pharos Uniprint Client for OS X
Sensitive Data Discovery and Protection
Spirion (Identity Finder)
Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus
Office 2016 for MAC Std
Office 2019 - Mac
Acrobat Pro 2017
Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client

VPN is available to UH student, faculty, and staff to help connect to computing resources while off campus. Access is granted using your CougarNet account.

Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client

VPN is available to UH students, faculty, and staff to help connect to computing resources while off campus. Access is granted using your CougarNet account.

Data Rescue 3
ProSoft Drive Genius 3.2
Lync for Mac 14.07
EndnoteX8 for Macintosh

Endnote can be purchased at CougarByte.

EndnoteX9 for Macintosh

Endnote can be purchased at CougarByte.


$45 annual license. Expires in September. Must pay with an SC voucher. Email to request an invoice.

Zoom add-ons (additional Annual Cost)

Cloud Recording:

100 GB $480 annuallyDestroy all humans download mac. /express-scribe-version-5-download.html.

500 GB $1200 annually

3 TB $6000 annually

Adobe Acrobat Pro DC 2017 - LAB
Adobe Acrobat Pro DC 2019 Faculty/Staff- Installation Guide

There is currently no cost for faculty/staff.

For Licensing Requests/Activation support, contact:

Please include your first name, last name, email and UH dept.

For software support contact:

Download Adobe Acrobat DC:

Download Adobe Acrobat Reader For Mac Os X El Capitan 10.11

For questions or problems, email or call 713-743-1411.